The journey to peak physical fitness often involves venturing beyond the realm of traditional equipment. Slant boards, tib bars, and push sleds might not be the first tools that come to mind, but these unique pieces offer a treasure trove of benefits for those seeking to elevate their training. This post delves into the functionalities and advantages of incorporating these tools into your workout routine.

The Slant Board: A Gateway to Enhanced Strength and Mobility

Imagine a simple platform tilted at an incline/decline. This seemingly basic apparatus, the slant board, unlocks a world of possibilities for lower body development.

  • Strengthening Powerhouse Muscles: The angled surface intensifies the work done by your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Exercises like slant board calf raises, squats, and lunges become more challenging, leading to increased muscle activation and potential hypertrophy (muscle growth).
  • Improved Range of Motion and Flexibility: The slant board stretches the calf muscles and Achilles tendon, promoting greater dorsiflexion (ankle mobility). This enhanced flexibility translates to deeper squats, improved running form, and reduced risk of injury.
  • Balance and Proprioception Boost: The unstable nature of the board challenges your core and stabilizer muscles, forcing them to work overtime to maintain balance. This heightened proprioception (body awareness) improves coordination and agility, beneficial for various athletic endeavors.
  • Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention: The controlled movement patterns facilitated by the slant board can be instrumental in physical therapy programs. By focusing on specific muscle groups and improving joint mobility, it can aid recovery from injuries and prevent future ones.

Some uses of the Slant board

The Tib Bar: Sculpting Strong and Stable Ankles

The unsung hero of ankle stability, the tib bar directly targets the often-neglected tibialis anterior muscle. This muscle plays a crucial role in foot eversion (outward movement), helps prevent common injuries like shin splints and ankle sprains and for those interested in body building – it can develop a broader the lower leg.

  • Targeted Tibialis Anterior Activation: Tib bar exercises like dorsiflexion raises isolate and strengthen the tibialis anterior, enhancing its ability to support the ankle joint and improve overall foot function as well as a more developed lower leg. Paired up with calf raises on a slant board and you have a raised the ceiling on your potential.
  • Balance and Stability Enhancement: A strong tibialis anterior translates to better balance and stability during various activities, from walking and running to jumping and landing.
  • Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Strengthening the tibialis anterior can significantly reduce the risk of ankle sprains, a common occurrence in athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Here is a tib bar reviewed by a Doctor of Physical Therapy

The Push Sled: Building Power and Explosiveness

The push sled, a weighted platform you push or pull, injects a dose of explosive power training into your routine.

  • Enhanced Power Output: Pushing or pulling the sled against resistance mimics movements used in sprinting, jumping, and other power-based activities. This translates to improved force production and explosiveness.
  • Conditioning for Multiple Muscle Groups: Push sled exercises engage various muscle groups, including the legs, core, and upper body. This full-body workout elevates your conditioning and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Metabolic Boost: The intense effort required to propel the sled increases your heart rate and metabolic rate, leading to greater calorie burn during and after exercise.
  • Improved Running Mechanics: Push sled drills can help runners develop proper running form by strengthening the muscles responsible for leg drive and hip extension.

The benefits of training with the push sled

Combining Forces: A Synergistic Approach

The true magic lies in incorporating these tools together for a well-rounded workout program. Here’s a glimpse into how they can be combined:

  • Warm-up with Slant Board Calf Raises: Prepare your calves and ankles for the workout by performing a few sets of slant board calf raises.
  • Tib Bar Activation: Before diving into heavier exercises, activate the tibialis anterior with some controlled dorsiflexion raises using the tib bar.
  • Push Sled Sprints: Add an explosive element to your workout with short, intense push sled sprints.
  • Slant Board Squats: Challenge your lower body further by incorporating slant board squats into your leg routine.


Slant boards, tib bars, and push sleds offer a unique opportunity to elevate your training beyond the limitations of conventional equipment. By incorporating these tools strategically, you can unlock a new level of strength, mobility, power, and lower leg development that will will have its benefits felt up the body. Remember, a strong foundation is the key to a great building.

Click here to find some of these tools in our store:
Slant Wedges
Tib Bar

For more information on Knees Over Toes training that utilises these exercise tools read our post here